Note: This document is for an older version of the Gro API Client. Please see the latest documentation.

Understanding Data Responses

Look up

If it is ever unclear what an id number represents, you can use lookup to get all the information you’d need. lookup works for any of the data series selection entities: items, metrics, regions, frequencies, sources and also units. For example:


client.lookup('items', 274)


{ 'contains': [779, 780, 9338, 9339, 8219, 8220, 10568, 12431, 1443, 1687, 2749, 5433, 5128, 5127, 5125, 5001, 866, 867, 148, 692, 5126, 2175, 2514, 2515, 2516, 8092, 2521, 5114, 5118, 5115, 5116, 5117, 5601, 6338, 6586, 9252, 9253, 7626, 5103, 4370, 4368, 10106, 2303, 12697, 12698, 12699, 12700, 12701, 12702, 12703, 12704, 12705, 12706, 5434, 13479, 13652, 14725, 14726],
  'definition': "The seeds of the widely cultivated corn plant <i>Zea mays</i>, which is one of the world's most popular grains.",
  'id': 274,
  'name': 'Corn' }


client.lookup('frequencies', 7)


{ 'abbrev': None,
  'id': 7,
  'name': 'quarterly',
  'periodLength': { 'months': 3 } }


client.lookup('units', 10)


{ 'abbreviation': 'kg',
  'baseConvFactor': { 'factor': 1 },
  'convType': 0,
  'id': 10,
  'name': 'kilogram',
  'namePlural': 'kilograms' }

You can also get this information by going to the URL of the dictionary entry for individual entities in the Gro ontology, e.g. or